The first dog park was started as a social experiment in Berkeley California in 1979. The park was a great success that came with many incredible benefits to the community and it inspired communities around the world to start their own dog parks. There are over 1000 dog parks around major cities today.
Here are the benefits that your community stands to gain by having a dog park.

1. Bringing members of the community together
Dogs are a common interest that can bring your community together and allow people to interact and socialize easily. When dog owners visit dog parks, they can get to know each other, engage in conversation, and participate in group activities. Spending time outdoors is a great relief from the busy life that most people are accustomed to. A journal “On the Fence: Dog Parks In the (Un)Leashing Of Community And Social Capital” likened the canine pets to avatars in online games, meaning that dogs enable owners to navigate around people, start conversations, and join group activities. Having a pet in general is a major conversation topic. I don’t know about you, but when I see dog I wanna pet I usually end up talking to their owners for that very reason and having an interesting conversation.
2. Creating a dog friendly network
Dog parks bring people together with a mutual interest in dogs. Pet owners can meet and discuss various matters concerning their pets and share knowledge about grooming, vet services, pet products, dog sitting and overall health of their dogs. Its also a great opportunity to get some tried and true knowledge on rearing and training your furry friend. You also get to exchange ideas on ways to deal with specific challenges that you may be facing with your pets. Unlike other forms of research, you are likely to get trustworthy assistance and proven results as you talk to people who have tried the advice. You also learn lots of fun things about dogs and end up hearing some pretty funny stories.Â
3. Giving your dog some freedom from the routine
As the number of canines increases around major communities, local authorities are making leash laws stricter in a bid to protect property from damage and injury to members of the community. Unfortunately, the captivity leaves little room for the dogs to have fun. A dog park offers an opportunity for the dogs to roam, socialize, and have some fun without posing any risk to people or property around them. If you have a big dog this is especially important because they actually get some time to run and play in a way they wouldn’t be able to if you don’t have ab ig yard at home. But even most small dogs will appreciate the freedom that comes with roaming around at a dog park.

4. Encouraging dog owners to spend quality time outdoors
Many people do not spend enough time outdoors, and the short walks they go on with their pups are the only time they find during the week to leave their offices or home obligations. Having a dog park close by in your community gives many people more reason to enjoy quality time outdoors. Many dog parks are equipped with both canine recreational equipment as well as human recreation facilities like paved walks, playgrounds, and benches where people can relax meaning that there is often places for both you and your furry friend to chill out. Spending more time outdoors reduces stress and improves your overall well-being.Â

5. Reducing troublesome behavior
Dogs have animal instincts such as hunting, barking and socializing, as many of us know they are after all related to wolves. These traits are suppressed when the dogs remain caged or leashed for too long. Without regular mental stimulation, they are likely to develop nasty behaviors such as excessive barking, anxiety, restlessness, rough play, aggressiveness, and destructive behavior such as pulling the cushions apart or knocking off items at home. A dog park offers opportunities for mental stimulation of the dogs so that they do not get bored or stressed by living in enclosed spaces. Dog parks are much more beneficial to dog’s mental health than simply playing in the yard or walking the dog around the neighborhood – it gives them a chance to get some real playtime stimulation. A happy dog is a good dog.

6. Helping you socialize your dog
Dogs require socializing just like human beings. Socializing a dog is one of the most important pillars in obedience training. When at the parks, the dogs get the opportunity to socialize with other dogs as well as humans they don’t know. When they become accustom to this, they feel less threatened by the presence of other dogs and people which gives you an easier time controlling them in public places. It is easiest to socialize your dog as a puppy but it is very possible to do it later on in their lives, too. However, the only way to make it happen is by allowing them to have the chance to meet other people and dogs. Socializing your dog is an extremely beneficial thing to do for you and your pet, it makes them easier to walk outside among neighbors and their dogs and it makes it easier to have guests in your home because you don’t have to worry about if your dog will misbehave. Dogs also get time to play with their canine friends which give them some good exercise. My dog happens to love other dogs, and I absolutely love watching them play together – it can be a truly heartwarming site to see.Â

7. Increasing livability in densely populated areas
If you live in densely populated area, chances are that there are strict dog laws in place due to lack of adequate space and safety concerns. In addition, it is highly likely that many families living in the city dont have as much space in their yards which may be inadequate for exercising their dogs. A dog park dedicates a park exclusively to the canine friends making the area more pet-friendly and a better place to live for the dog lovers, and their furry family members. Living in the hustle and bustle of a busy city can be wonderful experience for many people, but I’m sure alot of them will tell you that having nature and animals around is something that could use improvement in these places.

8. Increasing property values
Most new homeowners are taking into consideration the welfare of their dogs when selecting places to buy or rent a home. Dog parks are among the top five amenities that people search when looking for places to live. If your community has a dog park, it is likely to experience an upsurge in the number of pet lovers looking for homes. This has an effect of raising the property prices which is good for property developers, and property owners.Â

We love our dogs, and we love yours too, because we all know that DOGS ARE THE BEST – which is exactly why we only carry the best of best dog park equipment.Â
Park Warehouse carries high-quality commercial site furnishings for all types of indoor and outdoor facilities, like parks, office buildings, schools, and playgrounds. Consumers can purchase benches, bike racks, picnic tables, trash receptacles, bleachers, lockers, grills, dog park equipment, structures, message centers, umbrellas, traffic equipment, and more. While we are based in Boca Raton, we do supply commercial outdoor furnishings to customers throughout the nation.