Safe. Clean. Attractive - The Three-Mat Entrance System

Increase the safety of your facility while both drastically improving cleanliness and insuring that your guests’ first impressions are positive. These are all goals that any wise business owner wants to achieve, but so many are missing one crucial step. In this case it’s a literal one.



Certified Safety Professional Paul Fuerbringer wrote:

“The average person walks over 8,000 steps a day. All it takes is one slip and fall and your life could be changed in an instant. According to the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI): ‘Falls account for over 8 million hospital emergency room visits, representing the leading cause of visits (21.3%). Slips and falls account for over 1 million visits, or 12% of the total falls.’ What can we do as employers to protect our employees and customers from slips and falls? One of the best places to start is with a proper floor mat program.”

Mr. Fuerbringer has over 33 years of experience and is a featured author on the Society Insurance® website. The number one purpose of a Three-Mat Entrance System is to increase the safety of all who walk through your facility. Safety is the goal, but cleanliness is how this goal is achieved.



It cannot be stressed enough how important the cleanlines

s of your facility is. There are two ways to deal with cleanliness; you can be reactive or proactive. The most common approach is to be reactive, by focusing on cleaning after the fact rather than drastically reducing the amount of cleaning that will need to be done. The Three-Mat Entrance system is a huge step in the right direction. Why a Three-Mat Entrance System and not just one entrance mat? Each mat type performs a different function, The Carpet and Rug Institute states that the recommended amount of floor matting is “12 to 15 feet for an office building or up to 20 or 25 feet for a grocery store or hospital to ensure soil is trapped and floors are kept safe.”


One of the best, most effective ways to achieve 12 to 25 feet of matting is with the combination of a scraper mat (placed on the exterior entrance) followed by a bi-level scraper/wiper mat, and finally, a carpeted (wiper) mat. The exterior scraper mat is the workhorse of the Three-Mat Entrance System. This needs to be a heavy-duty mat that will aggressively remove stubborn dirt and grime from the shoe. A high-performance scraper/wiper mat, like the WaterHog®, is the ideal second layer of defense. The bi-level construction of the WaterHog mat traps dirt and moisture below foot level to ensure they are not tracked further into your facility. The carpeted mat removes any fine dust or particles that remain on shoes and absorbs any remaining moisture to ensure your floors stay clean and dry.



You have one chance to make a first impression. In fact, many guests or customers will develop a first impression before they even meet you or your staff. If your entrance is covered with dirt and debris, you are starting their experience on the wrong foot. A study completed at Harvard University found that an individual will make their first impression within just 7 seconds. Unless you plan on meeting everyone at their car, it’s imperative your entrance reflects the image you are trying to portray.



Employee and customer safety are your top priorities, and this in turn protects your business. Why not put your best foot forward? The Three-Mat Entrance System is specifically designed to make your facility safer, cleaner and more attractive.

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